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The 1st International Student Conference 2022. Report

Helena Chodkowska University of Technology and Commerce  has recently organised I International Student Conference 2022. The event was held online on 26 January 2022.

The first edition of the conference was attended by nearly 20 speakers from UTH and other European universities, such as: Université Clermont Auvergne (France), Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal), University of Malaga (Spain), Ege University (Turkey), and nearly 250 passive participants.

The special guest of the conference was prof. Dr. Beate Mitzscherlich from the University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau (Germany), who gave a lecture on Mediating ethics and economy: coaching and counselling in the field of healthcare and social services.

Among the topics presented during the first edition of the Conference were: "Stereotypes of the French people", "Satisfaction with remote work", "Experience of the stress related with returning to stationary work", "The impact of the Covid-19 on students' mental health ”“ Differences between American and Spanish graduates entering the labour market ”,“ Sustainable marketing ”,“ Two clothing brands in Europe: Zara and Reserved ”,“ Ethical aspects of social media influence on mentality and social behaviour ”,“ Creative and aggressive accounting - causes and effects of their implementation ”,“ Theory of work motivation ”,“ Managing a one-man enterprise in practice ”.

The summary of the talks and the discussion panel were the last items of the Conference agenda.

You are welcome to join the next edition of the Conference!

Relacja z konferencji w jezyku polskim

Uczelnia Techniczno-Handlowa im. H. Chodkowskiej była organizatorem „The 1st International Student Conference 2022”.  Wydarzenie odbyło się 26 stycznia 2022 roku w formie online.

W pierwszej edycji Konferencji wzięło udział blisko 20 prelegentów z UTH oraz uczelni z całej Europy -  Université Clermont Auvergne (Francja), Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugalia), University of Malaga (Hiszpania), Ege University (Turcja), a także blisko 250 słuchaczy.

Gościem specjalnym wydarzenia była prof. dr Beate Mitzscherlich z University of Applied Sciences w Zwickau (Niemcy), która wygłosiła prelekcję pt. “Mediating ethics an economy: coaching and councelling in the field of healthcare and social services”.

Wśród tematów prezentowanych przez prelegentów podczas pierwszej edycji Konferencji znalazły się: “Stereotypes of French people”, “Satisfaction with remote work” , “Experience of the stress related with returning to stationary work” , “The impact of the Covid-19 on students’ mental health”, “Differences between American and Spanish graduates entering the labour market”, “Sustainable marketing”, “Two clothing brands in Europe: Zara and Reserved”, “Ethical aspects of social media influence on mentality and social behaviour”, “Creative and aggressive accounting - causes and effects of their implementation”, “Theory of work motivation”, “Managing a one-man enterprise in practice”.

Ostatnimi punktami Konferencji to podsumowanie wystąpień oraz panel dyskusyjny.

Już za rok zapraszamy do udziału w kolejnej edycji!
