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Do dnia 30.04.2025 trwają Indywidualne Dni Otwarte UTH

"Multidimensionality of cybersecurity. Hate speech in the cyberworld". Invitation

The 2nd International Scientific Conference

"The multidimensionality of cybersecurity. Hate speech in the cyberworld"


Green Garden Hotel Falenty (50 Droga Hrabska St., 05-090 Falenty near Warsaw)

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Second International Scientific Conference "Multidimensionality of cybersecurity. Hate speech in the cyberworld", which will take place on 7-9 April 2025 in Green Garden Hotel Falenty near Warsaw.

In an era of rapid development of digital technologies and widespread access to the Internet, the issue of cyber security is becoming increasingly important. One of the key challenges in this area is the growing phenomenon of hate speech in the digital space. The conference aims to deepen knowledge on this topic and to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences between experts from different fields.

The conference provides a space for interdisciplinary discussion on the threats of challenges in cyberspace and the phenomenon of hate speech in the digital world. Key objectives are:

  • analysis of current cyber security challenges and trends;
  • identification of social, legal and technological aspects related to hate speech;
  • promoting cooperation between public institutions, NGOs and the private sector in ensuring security in cyberspace;
  • develop recommendations for policy makers and institutions responsible for regulation in cyberspace.

The conference will be held in a hybrid format, allowing both stationary and remote participation. The event will include plenary and poster sessions. The event will provide an excellent opportunity to hear lectures from prominent national and international experts and to present research results and scientific projects.

The conference is aimed at:

  • academics, researchers and practitioners working in the field of cyber security, law and hate speech
  • representatives of public institutions, NGOs and the media
  • all those interested in the topics of cyber security and online hate speech and in how to counter it.

Participant registration is possible via the form available at:

Link to form

Details of how to participate in the event can be found in the Conference Regulations.

Important Deadlines:

  • Submission of application form: until 27.03.2025
  • Submission of texts for monographs: 7.04.2025
  • Scientific conference: 7- 9.04.2025
  • Post-conference publication - June/July 2025

Please direct any questions regarding the conference to:


We invite you to co-create this important event and jointly seek solutions to the challenges of cyber security and hate speech in the digital world.

Yours sincerely,
Conference organisers

The project entitled. "International conference 'The multidimensionality of cybersecurity. Hate speech in cyberworld' is funded by NAWA.

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